• Public Meeting
  • Claytons Flats
  • Terraced street
  • River Aire
  • Kirkstall Abbey
  • Kirkstall Leisure Centre
  • St Anns Mills

Analysing Data

posted in: Consultation, Posts | 0

We have received 100’s of response to the SWOT consultation and are busy analysing them. There will be most focused consultations at a later stage, in the meantime if you still want to comment or join us please see the … Continued

KNF & Covid-19

posted in: Meetings, Posts, Slider | 0

Our last Public Meeting was our AGM on Wednesday 29 January 2020 in Leeds Postal Sports Association Club, Beecroft Street. Unfortunately the Covid-19 lockdown has made it temporarily impossible to arrange further public meetings in accordance with our constitution. Like … Continued

SWOT survey

posted in: Posts, Slider | 0

The KNF are inviting all Kirkstall residents to complete a survey which asks (1) what they like about Kirkstall; (2) what they don’t like about Kirkstall; (3) what they want to see in the future; and (4) what they want … Continued