New Survey

posted in: Consultation, Uncategorised | 0

We have previously consulted the Kirkstall community on various topics. The purpose of this survey is to update our existing data as we recognise that there will be new people in our community who have decided to make Kirkstall their … Continued

Engagement Report

posted in: Consultation | 7

The Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum Board have agreed an Engagement report on the current progress of the plan. Download PDF Version Comments on the Engagement Report are welcome, click here to comment. Part 1 – Introduction 1.1       Neighbourhood planning was introduced … Continued

Analysing Data

posted in: Consultation, Posts | 0

We have received 100’s of response to the SWOT consultation and are busy analysing them. There will be most focused consultations at a later stage, in the meantime if you still want to comment or join us please see the … Continued